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Talent Development Professional

Although a portion of your scores resemble the interests of an OD practitioner, they collectively indicate that you may be more interested in a field that adjacent to OD. Your scores closely resembles interest in becoming a “Talent Development” professional. According to the Association for Talent Development (ATD), Talent Development practitioners may draw upon OD to help them with their work, however, the bulk of the day-to-day work doesn't (presently) tend to draw upon OD competencies or interests. Currently our job analysis confirms that while OD may be utilized to assist the primary work of Talent Development practitioners, it does not play a primary role in the day-to-day activities. Nonetheless, because OD is part of the competency model for ATD, we would like to suggest some really helpful books and links that you'll likely find to be very useful! In addition to the "OD Mindset", OD skillset(s) bring change agents and leaders a distinct advantage, so we strongly encourage you to check these resources out!

Talent Development Professional
Talent Development Job Descriptions

Here are some examples of real Talent Development job descriptions to get you started! Click on a PDF to view.

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