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Mastering Organizational & Societal Transformation
The M.O.S.T. Meaningful Careers Assessment
Creative Amplifier Basics
One of the greatest joys a Creative Amplifier is likely to find, is the multiplier effect they have on the inherent genius in those they serve. No matter what job title they hold, Creative Amplifiers feel most energized by asking just the right question at just the right time, to stimulate rich, strategic, and transformative conversations. The profound consequences of their work often live on beyond your direct involvement. These include more vibrant, creative, and effective organizations. The indirect benefits of this creative capacity include multifaceted discoveries that are very difficult to quantify. And even they had time to do so, Creative Amplifiers are more likely to experience the magic of their work "in" the process of facilitating discovery, rather than as a consequence of it. For that reason, they draw upon a broad mastery of knowledge skills and abilities, including those that are not traditionally associated with the field of Organization Development.
Discover your Preference!
When you're ready to discover your own "M.O.S.T. Meaningful Career Preference", take our free assessment and you'll receive a customized, interactive report to help you chart a transformative career journey.
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