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Imaginal Processes


Skill Level:

Conjure dreams, fantasies, myth, legends, fairy tales, stories, rituals, and poetry to enter a new quality of mind around everyday or otherwise mundane experience.

Imaginal Processes

This technique is part of the Shifting phase of SERA, which requires facilitating an experience or psychological stimulus that triggers, jolts, or firmly guides a conscious shift in one’s orientation to present-moment experience. The word sera itself translates in Spanish to mean “it will be,” which resembles a conscious orientation to whatever may show up in our awareness. This orientation, which is known as beginner’s mind, is necessary because human attention has a tendency toward automatic preoccupation with active thinking (Kabat-Zinn, 2003).

The purpose of using this technique is to help triggering or guide a conscious Shift in one’s orientation to present-moment experience, from conceptualization to intuition.

Apperly, I. A. (2011). Mindreaders: The cognitive basis of “theory of mind.” Psychology Press

Dirkx, J. M. (2000a, October 26-28). After the burning bush: Transformative learning as imaginative engagement with everyday experience. The Third International Transformative Learning Conference. New York.

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