Our Story
In 2020, Dr. William Brendel began a multi-year study to clearly define the varied impact, approaches, identities, and mastery levels of successful Organization Development (OD) practitioners. This included a review of curriculum in 144 OD graduate programs, competencies required by 750 OD job descriptions, and an extensive review of OD competency models. In doing so he uncovered a set of universal principles and career characteristics that make the OD profession a highly attractive option for both emerging and veteran practitioners. Bill's efforts earned him the OD Network Lisa Kimball Evolving the Field of OD Award in 2021, and his research article was later awarded Article of the Year in 2023.
The MOST Assessment
This effort culminated in the first and only psychometrically validated OD competency assessment called the MOST, which has provided thousands of aspiring leaders and change agents with free and personalized career acceleration advice by matching their strengths and interests with one of 16 distinct OD career paths.
MOST, which stands for Mastering Organizational & Societal Transformation, is the first step in a broader OD career acceleration program that includes a blend of coaching and online instruction, as well as Immersive Learning Circles (ILCs), video simulations based on real-life case studies developed with OD greats including Ed Schein, Peter Block, Frances Baldwin, as well as modern stars in the field including Tonya Wilson, Gloria Song, Tojo Thatchenkery, and more!
Our Community
In 2023, the MOST framework was adopted by the OD Network as the culminating feature of its Global Competency Framework training, as well as by numerous OD graduate programs and both local and international OD networks as a source of insight for community development and programmatic planning.
The MOST is now used by leadership teams and OD departments seeking insight through group profiles that make it possible to strategically increase their value proposition through customized playbooks that recommend specific OD tools, peer mentor maps and project pairings. This also includes Immersive Learning Circles (ILCs) that help practitioners center their understanding of "Use of Self" and accelerate reflective practice.
Our Philosophy
OpenSourceOD is motivated by a genuine desire to help people discover and nurture careers that not only align with their personal interests and strengths but also have the capacity to transform organizations and society for the better. To ignite the spirit, reach, and impact of OD in this way, we adopted an Open Source Philosophy—a belief deeply rooted in collaboration, transparency, and community participation. OpenSourceOD champions open and inclusive access that boosts the collective generation of OD knowledge and innovative solutions. At OpenSourceOD, your story takes center stage as part of an evolving narrative that comes alive through the continuous contributions of OD educators, students, employers, clients, and volunteers worldwide.