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Mastering Organizational & Societal Transformation
The M.O.S.T. Meaningful Careers Assessment
Innovation Maven Basics
Innovation Mavens find great satisfaction in helping organizations create significant improvements in value for their employees and clients. Their source of excitement is less likely to come from a title that refers to them as an "OD Professional", or a prescribed approach to change, and more likely to arise when they are helping clients "color outside the lines." This type of a career becomes a calling the moment an Innovation Maven becomes engaged in helping employees supercharge their collective creative capacity. Innovation Mavens often take the view that the life of an organization is constantly emerging, evolving through cycles of imagination, conversation, and reflection. They often enjoy deep expertise in just a few techniques for facilitating dialogue, discovery, and meaningful collaboration. These techniques are designed to cultivate a safe and productive space for dialogue, which gives rise to discoveries that directly impact the bottom line - not through changed behaviors, but through new worldviews.
Discover your Preference!
When you're ready to discover your own "M.O.S.T. Meaningful Career Preference", take our free assessment and you'll receive a customized, interactive report to help you chart a transformative career journey. 
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