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Benevolent Barista

Global Competency Focus


Like a friendly neighborhood coffee shop offering a wide variety of choices, Benevolent Baristas quickly become their client’s favorite due to their broad mastery of OD skills and abilities. Benevolent Baristas often feel a great sense of satisfaction in finding the right change solution at just the right time, through meticulous diagnosis of their client's need for change. Benevolent Baristas are also likely to cherish the step-by-step approach to various change interventions that create a sense of well-being while also enabling those they serve to effectively carry out their mission to society. Whether they serve as an internal or external OD consultant, there are many potential clients that fit this critical Career Calling. These include organizations who do work that impacts K-12 education, environmental conservation, government services, social enterprise, charity organizations, as well as Non-Profit organizations, NGOs, and community service and development organizations.

Prioritize your Learning, Research, Stretch-Assignments, and Mentors!

The OD Network's Global Competency Framework is what is known as a a "full-spectrum" approach to OD skill development. Though it may be ideal for some people, not ever practitioner will be interested (or compelled by their job requirements) to learn all of these competencies. 


To help prioritize your OD professional development in a way that is most meaningful, practical, and economical, utilize this illustration to chart learning journey. Start with the competency cluster next to the number 1, and then move onto 2, 3, and so on.


Pay particularly careful attention to competency areas marked by stars,  as they are more likely to be appealing and useful to you given your preferences.

The Global Competency Framework also contains numerous "OD Specializations" you may choose to develop. We've studied the relevance of each of these specializations for jobs that match your preference. 

To prioritize your development it is always best to speak with a career coach to make sure that your development aligns your vision, mission, strengths and interests with real OD career opportunities.


Generally, however, we suggest starting at the top of the list and then working your way down. Anything above 80% may be considered an essential specialization for your preference..


Anything between 50- 79% should be considered an important specialization for careers that match your preference. Anything below 50% is can be helpful but not

Specialization Relevance
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